Meet Jess

Hello! I'm Jess, Great To Meet You!

Who am I?

Hello There Traveller,

Thanks for stopping by!

I am currently studying with She Codes Australia in their 2022 Brisbane Plus cohort. What a journey it has been!

I have recently stepped into a Software Engineer role with Xplor Technologies 🚀 where I am rapidly gaining skills to propel me into the techosphere!

My world is currently SQL, Java Script and PHP dominated. I have a keen interest in QA and a passionate stance on good UI/UX

Being able to technically create a concept or bring a vision to life is only part of the equation. Imagination and out of the box thinking is where I excel.

As Mr Disney famously said - "If you can dream it, You can do it"


Recent Projects

Portfolio 1

Project 1 - My Portfolio

This website was my very first project with She Codes Australia. Our brief was to create a two page site using HTML and CSS and successfully deploy it on GitHub pages

The open brief was an exciting opportunity to put my new skills to the test, exploring several new concepts and getting creative with styling.

Portfolio 2

Project 2 - Python Unit Testing

"Our second project saw us dive head first into Python. This project introduced us to the value of unit testing and we were tasked with creating a range of simple to more complex functions that would return the correct data and ensure all tests passed successfully.

Working backwards and manipulating the functions to match the data was a very interesting experience that showed just how important correct data types and structures can be!"

Portfolio 3

Project 3 - CrowdFunding App

"After spending time learning all things DJANGO and DRF "magic" it was time to put it all together. We completed our front end using ReactJS.

This project has certainly been my favourite so far, and whilst I definitely wouldn't consider myself a designer, the project really highlighted the importance of functional and user friendly UI

Lets Connect

Interested in collaborating?
Send me a message, feedback or positive vibes below!

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